Austrian authors female

December 26, 2015
Austrian author Eva Rossmann
Course resources


Ladies' Researches

Literary Works

Language of instruction:


Austrian literary works across centuries happens to be ruled by men – with few notable exclusions such as for instance Hrosvit v. Gandersheim, Marie Frf. v. Ebner-Eschenbach, Paula v. Preradovic, Bertha v. Suttner. After WW II, there was a growth of feminine females article writers not just in numbers, however in relevance. Since 1945, female writers in Austria have successfully tried to liberate through the limits ladies were susceptible to in the earlier days, therefore successful in reality that they have become leading numbers in the shaping and defining of Austrian literature overall.

This program tries to give an explanation for phenomenon of females in Austrian literature since 1945. It includes the full range of female thought from ever-present ”Vergangenheitsbewältigung” to radical feminist views on community and personal interacting with each other in 70s and eighties, and on to recent novels regarding brand new problems regarding the female in a changing culture, eg raising kiddies as solitary mothers, or working with migration in Europe. It will likewise handle the issue of changing one’s sex, and check whether a male viewpoint on feminine life holds validity.

Attendance policy:

IES overseas Vienna calls for attendance whatsoever class sessions, including field study excursions, internship meetings, scheduled rehearsals, and examinations. Attendance will likely be monitored and unexcused absences will impact the student’s grade through the “Participation” part of each training course’s last quality.

Excused Absences

  • Excused absences tend to be permitted only when students is ill, whenever course is held on an accepted religious getaway typically observed because of the certain pupil, or in the way it is of a grave incident impacting family.
  • Is granted an excused lack, the pupil must compose a contact to his or her teacher in a timely manner saying the explanation for the lack (and, if appropriate, how long they expect to be away) with a cc to Center administrative staff. In a crisis, the pupil may call Student providers and/or forward Desk. If the student is not able to send a contact (also unwell, no computer), he or she may call the scholar Assistant at the front work desk (01/512 2601-11) who'll after that compose the e-mail explained above and deliver it to said events as previously mentioned above, with a cc into the pupil.
  • If students is missing 3 successive days or maybe more, he or she will need to acquire a doctor’s note then submit this to the Registrar’s workplace.

Learning outcomes:

By the end for the course students will gain:

  • understanding of contemporary Austrian community and its problems
  • knowledge of the annals of women as well as the improvement feminine thought from the days of Kinder, Küche, Kirche to the current.
See also:
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