Austrian Literature online

April 8, 2020

AustriaN Newspapers on the web (ANNO) is a project operate by the Austrian nationwide Library (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek) the conservation of historical papers, whereby specifically essential and popular papers are scanned in and made available on cyberspace. By the end of 2009 ANNO had about 4.76 million digitized pages.

Digitalised Newspapers[edit]

The number of documents is continually becoming expanded.


  • ANNO – AustriaN Magazines On The Web. A digitisation effort associated with Austrian National Library. Ein Vortrag bei der Postkonferenz "newsprints while the hit in Central and Eastern Europe: access and conservation" bei der 69. IFLA Konferenz im August 2003 in Berlin. Präsentation (Powerpoint, 1, 2 MB; deutsch)
  • Massendigitalisierung von Bibliotheksbeständen. Allgemeines have always been Beispiel „ANNO – AustriaN Newspapers Online“ – einer Initiative der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Ein Vortrag von Wilhelm Dikovich und Christa Müller am 28. Österreichischen Bibliothekartag in Linz was 22. September 2004. (Präsentation (Powerpoint, 0, 9 MB; deutsch)
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