Kafka, Prague

December 5, 2015
Upper Playground | Escif
Golden Lane. Picture: Wikipedia

The famous copywriter relocated around and changed jobs lots during his brief life

Writer Franz Kafka lived practically their whole life in Prague, together with city often made an appearances inside the stories and novels. It is really not difficult to get the locations where writer existed and worked: you just must know locations to look.

The place to start is Kafka's birthplace at náměstí Franze Kafky 3. The house is at the side of the Jewish ghetto. Franz was created July 3, 1883, to Hermann and Julie Kafka. In 1897 your house was damaged by a fire, and entry method is the only initial part. The house, now known as Kafkův dům, features a tiny event concerning the publisher and hosts displays.

Old Town Square was a focus in Kafka's life. He existed at dům U minuty, a belated Gothic house or apartment with Renaissance frescoes, from June 1889 to September 1896. This is the birthplace of Kafka's three sisters: Elli, Valli and Ottla.

The palace on spot of Pařížská Street and square, currently residence to a CzechTourism resources point, is Oppeltův dům. From November 1913, Kafka's family members lived-in the most notable floor. The house had been severely damaged in 1945: with regards to was restored here year, the very best flooring was not rebuilt.

The 18th-century Rococo-style Kinský Palace at Old Town Square 12 is now part of the nationwide Gallery. On Sept. 10, 1893, a 10-year-old Kafka went indeed there for his first day of German grammar school. He studied there until 1901. From 1912 to ’18 their daddy had a haberdashery shop on ground-floor. You can observe a commemorative plaque inside wall.

At Old Town Square 17 you can see the house Zum Weißen Einhorn (“at the white unicorn”). Your House belonged towards Fanta household, and Kafka took part to their philosophic gatherings in 1904–05. The adjacent home at quantity 16 was once the location of Richard Löwy's legal rehearse, in which Kafka had one of his first tasks. Close by at Celetná 2, you'll see Sixtův dům in which Kafka's household existed for under per year.


At Celetná 3 is U Tří králů (“at the Three Kings”). Kafka lived indeed there from September 1896 until summertime 1907. He attempted his very first literary experiments inside the second floor apartment.

Near Old Town Square you will find even more landmarks. Ovocný trh 3-5 could be the primary building of Charles University. Kafka studied indeed there from 1901 to ’06, as he graduated in-law. In Masná 18 you'll pass-by their primary college, in which he worried over his grades. At Masná 8 you can view the previous German company Academy in which he went to a night course on employee's insurance coverage. A great many other literates examined there, including Gustav Meyrink, composer of the book The Golem.

Maybe not not even close to here, in Dlouhá 16, is yet another spot in which Kafka rented a room. According to Kafka's letters to his fiancée Felice Bauer, his 5th floor space in U Zlaté štiky (“at the fantastic pike”) had been very loud because of the elevator. The building is an interesting exemplory case of Art Nouveau design.

The Josefov area has other two areas in which Kafka lived. The initial had been Zum Schiff (“at the ship”) at Pařížská 36. Your house ended up being demolished in 1945 it is noteworthy as it played a task in The Metamorphosis: the novella had been written here and also the arrangement of the rooms in story paired the building’s layout. His story "The Judgement" found light right here besides, within the night of Sept. 22–23, 1912. A hotel is where the home always stay.

Kafka lived in a condo he rented in Bílkova 10. Kafka composed in his records how hard it because he could hear all the noises manufactured in your house, rendering it impossible to concentrate on composing.

Kafka specifically enjoyed residence number 22 into the Golden Lane (Zlatá ulička) at Prague Castle. He rented this small house or apartment with his cousin Ottla in 1916 and kept it until summer time 1917. While there he wrote virtually all the tales that have been published in the 1920 collection A Country Doctor. Toward the termination of the Golden Lane, next to the Dalibor Tower, you can observe Jaroslav Róna’s 1993 sculpture Parable with a Skull, which presents among Kafka’s characters.

Golden Lane. Photo: Wikipedia

In Malá Strana you'll find the Schönborn Palace at Tržiště 15. Even though this is the US Embassy, in March 1917 Kafka rented a two-room flat here and was residing indeed there as he was identified as having tuberculosis.

When you look at the Nové Město part of Prague there are many landmarks you should not miss. Kafka began employed in 1908 as a clerk during the Workers' Accident Insurance Institute the Kingdom of Bohemia. You can nevertheless discover the building at Na Poříčí 7, maybe not definately not the Palladium retail complex. Kafka worked indeed there from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., a schedule that awarded him the required time for their writing.

Na Příkopě 22 ended up being the positioning of the Deutsches Haus (German home), in which German associations arranged conferences and functions. Rainer Maria Rilke and Thomas Mann delivered lectures truth be told there.

The neoclassic building at Panská 8 was once the newsroom of Prager Tagblatt. Kafka not merely see the German-language paper, but he also contributed quick stories and sometimes wrote reviews.

Wenceslas Square has been an important center when it comes to town. At Kafka's time, the Italian insurance provider Assicurazioni Generali had its head office at number Václavské náměstí 19. Kafka began doing work for the business in October 1907, nevertheless working hours had been also binding for him: he usually began working at 8 a.m. and was not done before 8 p.m., making him with little time for writing.

Source: www.praguepost.com
Musée Franz Kafka de Prague
Musée Franz Kafka de Prague
Franz Kafka Museum Prague
Franz Kafka Museum Prague
Kafka Statue in Prague
Kafka Statue in Prague
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