Arthur Schnitzler biography

September 27, 2023
And Arthur Schnitzler

The Austrian dramatist and novelist Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931) reaches their best in one-act performs and novellas that often deal with severe situations—death, intimate disputes, and neurotic plus psychotic says.

Created of Jewish parents in Vienna, where he spent nearly their whole life as a doctor, Arthur Schnitzler looked upon himself primarily as a scientist rather than quit their health rehearse. His very first creative period (1893-1900) saw the publication of numerous poems and sketches, mostly dedicated to themes of unfaithfulness and jealousy, and two major works, his first novella, Sterben (1894; Dying), and his first effective play, Anatol (1893).

When you look at the mid-1890s Schnitzler had been associated for a few days with a literary movement of impressionist writers, including Hugo von Hofmannsthal, who were violently opposed to the naturalism after that in vogue in Berlin. But quickly he smashed far from café society—the Jung-Wien group, which gathered in Vienna's popular Café Griensteidl—and he never ever once again accompanied any literary group.

The emphasize of Schnitzler's 2nd period (1900-1912) had been their popular play Reigen (1900; La Ronde), which Eric Bentley has actually known as "a fantastic 'comedy' of intimate promiscuity." Prohibited, attacked, censored on its very first look, and soon after withdrawn by Schnitzler himself, it's gradually claimed the standing of a masterpiece of modern crisis. La Ronde, in 10 brief dialogues between a man and a female, reveals the attitudes of lovers from all personal courses before and after the act of love. Modern critics not see this play as pornographic but alternatively as a bitter, witty, yet tender and melancholy examination of the man condition expressed through metaphor of man's endless "round dance" of sex and need.

As a composer of fiction, Schnitzler developed at the beginning of his profession the strategy generally stream-of-consciousness and soon after made popular by James Joyce. A instances are two of their stories, Leutnant Gustl (1900; Nothing but the Brave) and Fräulein Otherwise (1925). The former is an extended interior monologue explaining a distressing youthful lieutenant who, insulted by a baker, broods until he reaches the decision to devote suicide being protect their honor, simply to be conserved inadvertently by the knowledge that baker features died of a heart assault. In Fräulein Else Schnitzler utilized the stream-of-consciousness process to reveal a psychotic youthful girl's motives for disrobing in a hotel lobby.

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Arthur Schnitzler - Ein Portrait
Arthur Schnitzler - Ein Portrait
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